QUANZHOU U KNOW (MAXTOP) BAGS CO., LTD has been exporting and manufacturing bags since 2001. Located in Quanzhou City, we have a large-scale manufacturing base covering a total area of 6,000 square meters, Currently, we have 6 production lines, 150 sewing workers, and the monthly capacity can reach 200,000pcs bags.
Our experienced R&D team offers you bags in different materials and with various accessory options. All of our shelf-ready bags can be modified to your specifications to meet the changeable markets.
Good quality is our focus! Our QC staffs conduct strict inspect to ensure our products meet many kinds of standards and your requirements as well for ensuring total customer satisfaction. Also we care about the product safety, raw materials and finished products are inspected via lab test office like SGS/ITS/INTERTEK ensuring our products meet the marketing safety standards, such as AZO free, low cadmium if you give us the requirements.
As a bag expert, we have been serving many OEM & ODM clients. By our experience and good service, our list of buyers has grown substantially.
The output, like for sport bags, mainly goes to European, such as Italy(EYE), Germany(FILA), Australia(DIADORA), Panama(Lotto),Israel(Saucony), etc; for school bags, mainly goes to South America, such as Brazil (Maxlog), Peru (iasa Kids), Venezuela (Jetbag), which means we well understand and are familiar with the intricacies and regulations of exporting to your regions.