is founded in 2005, specialized in design, develop, manufacture, and sale of bags. The main product is including : backpacks , school bags, travel bags, cooler bags, tote bags, shopping bags, garment bags, packing bags, storage bags, and other houseware. These products were exported to all over the world, have main market of Europe, America, East-south Asia.
Our factory has 5000 square meters floor space, has more than 150 skilled sewing workers and 3 professional designers. We have been focused on bringing novel products to homes, and providing the best design, quality and pricing. A total quality management system to guarantee our customers in getting the excellent products, services and on time delivery.
Our professionally trained Sales and R&D teams can meet any buyers' requests. We welcome OEM and ODM orders, also customized product for you.
The highest level of sincerity and bringing the best value to our customers is our philosophy and mission.