Year Established:
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Guangzhou Tengmei Leather Factory is located in Shiling,Huadu District,Guangzhou. We are a professional factory which specializes in designing and manufacturing Backpack and Bags since 2005. Our main products are the following series: different kinds of backpacks,messenger bags,Handbags and other leather products etc.
After many years work effect,we are now become the top professional factory and manufacturer for the belts in China,especially our rhinestone belts.
Our backpacks are now exported to more than 60 countris of the world.Our major market is American countries and European countries.USA,Cananda,France and Brazil are important export countries.
Quality is the most important thing for our factory.We have our own designer and QC for designing and controlling our leathe products.We always offer our best quality leather products to our clients.
The production and operation management of our company have always been following ISO9001 quality management system standard and modern business management systems. Our service tenet is "Quality First, Customer First" is the basis of our cooperation with you and all of our customers.
We also attend the Canton fair and Hongkong leather fair to show our lastest products to our cliets.
We hope to recive your inquiry and establish business relationship with you.