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Cangnan Janwa Bags Factory is located in Wenzhou City, China. We have more than six years experience of manufacturing high-quality recycle bags like non woven bags, cooler bags, PP woven bags, polyester bags, cotton bags, suit covers, backpacks, canvas bags, non woven aprons, non woven storage boxes, laminate bags, drawstring bags, advertising bags, fruit bags, food bags, storage bags, shoulder bags and so on.
Our factory has 70 skillful workers who are working on cutting, printing, sewing and quality control. We could make various recycle bags with silk-screen printing, off-set printing, heat transfer printing, machine rolling printing and sublimation printing. Our production capacity could reach seventy hundred thousand pieces per month, and our products are exported to Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Australia and so on.
We could transform your ideas into successful packaging products by the support of innovative design, brilliant manufacture and strict quality control. We treat design and production very seriously because our goal is to satisfy our customer. We are expecting to set up a long-term, stable and mutual beneficial business relationship with customers from all over the world.