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Guangzhou wansen leather co.,ltd is a professional manufacturer and supplier of all kinds of handbags and leather goods. Our factory has a first-class design, production and sales team. We are able to closely combine the production process with the market demand and continuously develop new products that are both characteristic and popular in the market. Our products have always been at the forefront of the peers and have strong competitiveness. More .The production department implements scientific management, strictly implements national standards, and each link is closely coordinated.All product must pass its quality inspection, and the quality of production has been confirmed by customers. Now our factory is located in Huadu, the capital of Chinese leather goods. Combining the popular style of international leather goods, we can show the most fashionable and best quality to our customers.
The main products include: exquisite and elegant, bright and cheerful, casual romantic women's handbags, ladies' shaped leather goods, elegant, noble and fashionable women's leather goods series, bags, wallets.
The company specializes in the production and processing of products. The company has more than 300 employees, including more than 280 front-line employees. It has a complete and scientific quality management system, more than 40 production lines with advanced production equipment, and an annual production capacity of more than 1 million quality bags.
Guangzhou Wansen Leather Co., Ltd are adheres to the concept of "customer first, quality first, honesty-based" to survive and develop. Our integrity, strength and product quality have been unanimously recognized by customers. Our customers include Taobao, Jingdong, Alibaba's online customers, physical store customers, and foreign customers in Europe, America, Australia and Southeast Asia.