Quanzhou Eazybags Co., Ltd. is a bag factory, which specializes in designing, manufacturing and exporting all kinds of bags, such as diaper bags, tool bags, tactical bags, duffle bags, travel bags, computer bags, hiking bags and so on. Our company is located in Quanzhou where is one of the bags production centers in China and has the mature raw material supply chain for bag production. Our business goal is to provide you satisfied and high-qualitybags by means of ODM & OEM. We have our own factory and several cooperative factories located in Quanzhou and other areas such as Ganzhou Jiangxi Province, this enables us to produce 100,000pcs bags monthly and make urgent order in short time. Our production is strictly performed based on ISO9001. All the bags are checked thoroughly before shipping out. The sales department is also consisted of 8 enthusiastic and professional staff that can offer very professional advice and are quick in action to your any questions. The quality products and reasonable price is greatly satisfied by our customers from all over the world such as USA, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, and Canada and so on. We warmly welcome friends and customers in and abroad visit us and let's create brilliant business relationship on equal and mutual benefit. For more information or any inquiries, please feel free to contact with us any time.