Year Established:
Business Type:
Trading Company, Agent
We know you want to know more about Shenzhen Xinyu Trading Company, but we don't want to write a cookie-cutter profile that tells you how many employees we have, how big our office, what we've done in the past. That isn't improtant to you, the most important thing is that how you feeling when you work with us. Whether we can do what you asked us to do, are there all the products we supply have guaranteed, do we actively trying to help you solve the problem when somthing in trouble? We want to tell you that the answer to all the questions is Yes! We want to establish a long-term business partnership with you, not just one time!
Our main business categories are Home&Kitchen, Jewelry, Shoes, Offic, Automotive, Pet Supplies, Sports&Outdoors. We are online and offline sales department of many factories. Many factories only produce and have no sales departament in China, they rely on us to help them sell their products. We maintain a close relationship with them, they often give us exclusive products to sell.
As you know, we hard to rely on a single category or single product meet with success. A partner with strong supply chain capabilities is worth having, we also mainly serve a lot of startups, small and medium sized companies. We will try to see it from their point of view, we help a lot of small companies, from zero to one. From helping them identify their main products, to categorization, to building a brand.
We hope you will give us a chance to cooperate, let us be your core supplier in China, let us grow with you.