Guangzhou G A F Outdoor Products Limited, O E M and O D M backpacks for clients, is located in Guangzhou City,where we can find large fabric market and Supply Chain for backpacks.
Our company is professional in hunting backpacks, tactical backpacks and other outdoor bags more than 10 years,special in high-volume packs and innovating products.
We have made more products for worldwide brands,. Most of them are under the cooperation until now.
We have the stable and reliable fabric, zipper and buckles suppliers, like suppliers of Cordura, Y K K, Duraflex,Fidlock. Based on long businessship, they can supply the stable products timely .
We got the authority to use the worldwide hunting camo pattern for clients, like Realtree, Prym1, Desolve. It provides more choices and saves the time of development and production for clients.
Our R&D department continue study the leading products and design the new products for clients. Clients can adopt our design fully or partly, or just use their design. It help the clients save the development time. At the same time,we will keep client's design secret and protect the client's products to avoid the copy.