Year Established:
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Distributor/Wholesaler
Shenzhen Inclusive World Luggage Co., Ltd. is located in Guangdong Province, China. We specialize in OEM and ODM design and custom manufacturing of various bags, handbags, pet bags, insulated bags, cooler bags,laptop bags, backpacks,storage bags,clothing bags, canvas bags, cosmetic bags, makeup bags, shopping bags, travel bags, waist bags, belts, PU fashionable women's bags, crazy horse leather high-end real leather bags, and so on. We provide one-stop bag customization services. Our main customers come from North America, Europe, Japan, and South Korea. The factory covers an area of about 80000 square feet workshop, more than 500 staff and 30 professional sample designers and assistant team, and 22000square feet sample exhibition room full with more than 2000pcs custom bags and cases. Inclusive World handbag factory is estimated that monthly production capacity of handbags have been more than 200,000pcs.
We have over 10 years experienced and skilled workers in cutting, printing, sewing, and quality control, totaling 300 people. Our company uses high quality and environmentally friendly materials to produce bags and handbags, with equipment including computerized sewing machines, manual sewing machines, computerized bed sewing machines, and computerized punching machines. We have established a strict quality control system for every step of the production process, using the ISO9001 quality management system. We sincerely welcome customers from all over the world to establish long-term cooperation and development with us.