Junsheng bag factory was established for many years, located in huadu district, guangzhou, junsheng bag factory is a professional design, production, sales of outdoor backpacks, Fanny packs, water bags, belts, vests, camouflage clothing and other products integrity business. Junsheng bag factory has a complete and scientific quality management system, since the production plant, many old staff in the field of outdoor products have rich experience in design, production. Junsheng bag factory in line with "quality first, reputation first, good faith cooperation, mutual benefit and mutual benefit" business philosophy, in product design, packaging, quality of continuous improvement, to meet a large number of customers, products sold overseas. Over the years we rely on "quality first, reputation first" to obtain industry recognition. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit junsheng luggage factory, guidance and business negotiations.
Outdoor, health, life is the pursuit of brand culture style, high grade, high pursuit and strong innovation ability and gives vitality "army sheng" brand core value, let every outdoor enthusiasts experience of military service at the same time, enjoy the free breath freely, incisively and vividly embodies the army shing emphasized the outdoors experience type and attitude to sport tired soldier. Junsheng will continue to seize opportunities, continue to expand the brand strategy, improve the position in the world outdoor products industry, to promote China's outdoor sports, as well as the national mission and social responsibility to contribute a force! Our vision is to let the general army fans to buy satisfactory products at a reasonable price.