Established in 2008, Emdoor Information Co., Ltd.(Stock Code: 001314.SZ)comprises subsidiaries such as Emdoor Digital, Emdoor VR, and EmdoorResearch Institute. The company operates across multiple felds, includingconsumer mobile devices, industry-specifc application terminals, Al smarthardware, and VR/AR/MR technologies, all aimed at making cutting-edgetechnology accessible to everyone. Emdoor and its subsidiaries have over 1,300team members, serving more than 1,700 industry clients in over 80 countriesand regions.
As a leading provider of rugged computing solutions, Emdoor Informationspecializes in rugged handhelds, tablets, notebooks, and industrial terminaldevices. With a focus on practical value and user experience, the companyoffers a comprehensive range of rugged mobile computers, from 4-inch to21.5-inch devices for general use, to specialized industrial terminals and customsolutions. These products empower various industries, reduce costs, improveeffciency, and drive digital and intelligent transformation, underscoringEmdoor's commitment to innovation-driven development.
Approximately 40% of the company's workforce is dedicated to research anddevelopment, boasting more than 600 patents, software copyrights, and otherintellectual property rights. With a 2,100-square-meter laboratory and nearly200 sets of professional instruments and equipment, Emdoor ensures a robustinnovation infrastructure, fostering enthusiasm and creativity across theorganization. In recent years, the company has designed and developed over200 rugged mobile products tailored to customer needs.
Committed to high-quality production and manufacturing, Emdoor Informationdelivers superior rugged mobile computing products and services. With amanufacturing facility spanning 1,000 square meters and an annual productioncapacity exceeding 400,000 units, the company's products meet variousdomestic and international standards and reliability certifcations. Emdoor isdedicated to supporting the high-quality development of the rugged computingindustry by ensuring top-notch products, services, and solutions.
Looking forward, Emdoor Information remains dedicated to driving innovation,fostering collaboration, and embracing openness for shared success. Bypartnering closely with clients and collaborators, Emdoor aims to propelindustry progress and amplify industrial value, leveraging the capabilities ofrugged mobile computing.